infographics list

Best Infographics for Online Content — Ultimate Infographics List

Infographics lists are graphical tools that represent data. Infographics for content marketing are powerful, as they convey a lot of information in just a glance. When people find inspiring and informative content, they quickly share it on social media. Using an infographic, it is easy to teach a concept, make a business presentation, and represent the workflow in an organization. It’s just an image comprising all the business details, statistics, and figures. The best part is that it can be repurposed into a video, a presentation, a blog article, or FAQ.

But how do infographics list benefit content marketing? If you are a content marketer creating great content, you must consider including infographics in your articles. Read on to learn why and how infographics benefit content.

What Is an Infographic?

What is an Infographic?
What is an Infographic?

An infographic is a visual representation of data that communicates information quickly and clearly. It is a collection of images, and data visualizers, like charts and graphs, but with less content. A creative infographic grabs the user’s attention, is shareable, and is reusable. The reason behind an infographic’s success is its science – it is designed to engage and entertain the user and is easy to remember.

Why Should You Use an Infographic?

It’s a fast-paced world. People need easily digestible content, and infographics do that. It conveys complex information in a way that is interesting and informative. You can use an infographic when you wish to: 

  • Summarize a topic.
  • Explain a complex process, technology, or working model.
  • Visualize data as graphs, charts, and comparison tables.
  • Display the pros and cons of an entity.
  • Design a poster or featured image for your websites, blogs, and social media posts.

The reason why infographics attract the attention of the audience is that the human brain is wired to perceive visuals faster than text. Our brain uses three types of memory to understand, perceive, and store information it receives through the sensory organs. The memory types are:

  • Sensory memory.
  • Short-term memory.
  • Long-term memory.
 Infographics list and human memory system
Infographics list and human memory system

Sensory memory refers to the input the brain gets from the sensory organs. It’s the visual signal that the eyes send to the brain’s ever-lasting memory. It is also known as the iconic memory, though it lasts for a short span but helps the brain quickly sort the information being seen. This information captured for a short span moves from sensory memory to short-term memory for initial processing. Short-term memory can last for 3-7 items simultaneously, but long-term memory takes over and stores the information indefinitely.

Key Features of an Infographic

  • Using bold colors, illustrations, and text can quickly grab the audience’s attention.
  • Can quickly skim through content.
  • An infographic informs, engages, and entertains the audience.
  • An infographic contains different visual elements, like fonts, colors, images, GIFs, and illustrations, making it easier for a topic to be explained compellingly and understandably. 

Who Benefits from Infographics List?

Infographics list benefit content creators, business people, educators, and nonprofit organizations.

  • Content creators use infographics to drive more website traffic, increase visibility and brand awareness, and boost engagement.
  • Businesses use them to present sales, compare profits, and present them as interactive graphs and charts.
  • Educators and trainers usually use infographics to explain difficult concepts or break down complex information to make it easier to understand.
  • Nonprofit organizations can use infographics to spread awareness about a cause or social issue.

Infographics for Online Content

Infographics for content are visual tools that summarize the whole blog and present it with colors and graphics. They convey your thoughts quickly and precisely. Businesses create infographics to increase brand awareness, build trust, generate leads, gain visibility, and be leaders in their niche. 

1. Visualize Your Brand’s Story

Since infographics are bite-sized, it is easy to understand and share across social media platforms. All the social media channels offer analytics to track the audience’s reaction to the infographics. When you have content, creating an infographic doesn’t take much time.  Content marketers must consider including an infographics list in their content marketing strategy. In the content marketing calendar, it is good to allot a slot to design and publish extraordinary visual content for different social media platforms or occasional blog posts.

Infographics are simple and colorful and turn complex data into engaging content marketing materials. An infographic for content marketing increases brand awareness. It can tell the brand story through numerical data, charts, and images. An infographic clearly and accurately conveys marketing ideas, work processes, and project proposals with relevant data and appealing visuals.

2. Attention-Grabbing

Infographics can grab your attention easier because about 50% of your brain is involved in visual processing. Most importantly, about 70% of all your sensory receptors are in your eyes.  Visuals convey information in less than one-tenth of a second. Visuals grab the audience’s attention as the human brain is inclined to notice visuals rather than texts. When the best infographic combines well-written content, it is an effective strategy to encourage the audience to scroll to the bottom of the page, decreasing the bounce rates.

3. Increases Brand Awareness

The infographics list increases brand awareness on multiple platforms. Add your company logo, website, and relevant business information to create infographics for content marketing. Infographics are easily shareable, and people tend to share visually appealing and informative infographics across multiple social media platforms.

4. Simplify Complex Data

The infographics list conveys information to the target audience. A picture is worth a thousand words. Infographics break down concepts into visual bits that are easily shareable. In a sales presentation, you can use percentages, graphs, and charts to represent sales figures. The graphics make it easy to determine profit or loss. It is easy to visualize where and when sales dropped, and it helps managers to plan and make strategic decisions.

5. Simplify Email Marketing Efforts

Both content marketing and email marketing go hand in hand to boost traffic, generate leads, convert audiences into clients, and increase sales. An infographics list can engage your audience and motivate them to read the entire article, increasing their visits to the website. It can reduce the bounce rate and increase the click-through rate. 

Instead of sending a text-based email, you can send an infographic that has a link to that article and your website. Users may want to visit your website to read more about your infographics.

6. Infographic Repurpose

A blog can be represented as an infographic with figures and facts. Instead of sharing the entire infographic, a part can be shared on social media channels. To impact users, divide the infographic, share small versions in the blog, and publish. 

Types of Infographics List

Infographics List

Infographics for content have to be chosen with more precision as they will be a replacement for your blog, listicle, or PDF.  The infographic is a visual treat to the audience and can help them grasp your content more easily.

Types of Infographics List
Types of Infographics List

1. Informational Infographic

An informational infographic is suitable when you present a highly technical topic to an audience who is not familiar with the topic. In this infographic, you can add descriptive headers and illustrative icons that explain each point clearly. This type of infographic is perfect if you wish to: 

  • Explain a new concept or introduce new technology.
  • Share an overview of a specific topic.
  • Introduce a new idea or concept.
  • Make a blog more interesting to read.

2. Data Visualization Infographic

A data visualization infographic is best used for representing statistics in graphs and charts. Sharing statistics about a particular topic can emphasize shared data, so use a data visualization infographic.

  • When you illustrate complex data and information through charts, graphs, and tables.
  • When you have statistics, it is better to use data visualization infographics as they make facts and figures more interesting to absorb.

3. Statistical Infographic

Statistical infographics are the best when you have an article that discusses survey results, comparison charts, or feedback forms. You can design the infographics so that it focuses on the data. Use colorful fonts, image elements, charts, and icons to explain the story behind the statistics. 

4. Flowchart Infographic

Generally, a flowchart represents the flow of the process from the beginning to completion. All intermediary steps required are included in the flowchart. It best suits process flow in an organization or the working of software or a product. 

It is easy to represent the possible outcomes of action in the flowchart. You can include the steps you need to take after you decide based on the condition. The flowchart infographic includes the next actions to undertake if the user’s decision is positive and what to do next if the user’s decision is negative.

5. Interactive Infographic

An interactive infographic is a normal infographic, but it needs a trigger to start the interactive element in the infographic. For instance, it requires the user to hover the mouse over a particular element or click on an icon in the infographic.

This is the best way to engage the user and encourage them to take the next action, like subscribing to your newsletter or landing page. Your audience may find it interesting as they gain new information and interact with the infographic, encouraging them to stay on your website for longer. 


What is an infographics list content?

An infographic is a visual representation of any kind of information or data. A collection of graphical elements, like images, numbers, and statistics, convey information. 

What is an infographic list in content marketing?

An infographics list is a visual representation tool that engages your audience. The content conveys information in a textual format. Infographics convey information in pictorial form. Both help the business to attract leads, generate interest, and increase traffic.

Are infographics list good for social media?

Infographics lists are easy, bite-sized, digestible, and shareable pieces of information. Users who find it engaging and informative share it on their social media channels. Such user-generated content can bring organic traffic to your website. The best way to reach your audience is to create interesting infographics and share them across social media platforms.

Closing Thoughts

An infographics list for content conveys information and educates the audience. The visuals can capture the audience’s attention and promote your business. Creating infographics is easy and doesn’t require any software training. It is a good idea to include infographics in your content marketing strategy and content marketing calendar. 

Do you wish to create compelling content with appealing visuals? Read our blogs to learn more about content marketing, strategies, and techniques.

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