Software as a Service (SaaS) is one of the profitable industries that gained much traction during the pandemic. With buyers and sellers adapting to the new digital interaction, the SaaS industry will likely set new records in the future.
While this is excellent news for SaaS startups, you’ve got to be well-prepared to swim in the pool dominated by big fishes like Adobe, Salesforce, Shopify, and others. It depends more on how your market your services.
Quality of marketing has a significant impact on your business performance. If you’re a business owner at this age, surviving is nearly impossible if you don’t use the right marketing tactics to promote your products and services.
More importantly, when you are a SaaS company, you will need every possible resource to uplift your SaaS content marketing. This is to ensure you can compete with the other giants in the market.
Because content marketing is the way forward for all physical and online businesses, there is an obvious need for a comprehensive SaaS content marketing strategy. This will ensure you don’t fall behind the latest content marketing trends.
Most of us are familiar with the evergreen techniques like:
- Keyword research
- Search engine optimization
- Addressing the target audience
However, some interesting technical details can turn your marketing efforts from ordinary to highly converting ones.
This post will look at some of the most effective content marketing strategies applicable for most SaaS companies or otherwise. But before that, you should understand why you’re doing it in the first place. So, keep reading if you have any concerns in your mind.
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The Value of Content Marketing for SaaS
According to ProfitWell, content marketing proved to be a game-changer for SaaS companies. You can skyrocket your sales and grow exponentially. For example, with the help of the right content, you can achieve a staggering growth rate of 647%.
An effective content marketing strategy revolves around engaging content. Your customers or users should always feel intrigued and compelled to listen to your stories and buy your products.
If done right, your content marketing can yield long-lasting impacts on your customers and followers. Because your content is the first thing the user sees about your brand or product, it needs to be perfect.
So, an effective SaaS content marketing strategy will always add value to your brand. Here are some of the major impacts:
- You should get more traffic through search engines
- Your social media audience will land on your website more often
- Your brand will get more recognition
- High-quality content is always good for search engine optimization
- You can engage the users better through your content
- You can top it off with higher conversions.
What is SaaS Content Marketing?
The term ‘SaaS content marketing’ has become a buzzword in the online marketing industry. That said, it’s interesting how people fail to understand what it means.
SaaS marketing has many components, of which digital content is integral. Remember, digital interactions are rising daily, hence the need for generating and distributing content online.
Generally, the starting point of an effective SaaS content marketing strategy is to understand the product to its core. As a content marketer, your job is to engage with the production team to learn your product’s specs and operational aspects.
You must have the answers to the following questions:
- What does the product do?
- Who is your target audience?
- How and why is it relevant to your target audience?
- How will it help the customer in solving their problems?
Once you have the answers to these questions, you can devise a more effective marketing strategy around this information. Understandably, when you know the product well, you can elaborate it better to your customers and target audience.
So, simply put, an effective content marketing strategy or SaaS content marketing revolves around the product and how it can engage the users to turn into a profitable one for the company.
Who Can Benefit from Content Marketing Strategy?
While we have been talking mainly about SaaS companies, content marketing has a much broader scope and can suffice for different companies and businesses. In a nutshell, any business that sells products, or services of any kind, can expand and grow by using an effective content strategy.
Now, because there are so many ways to market and deliver your content to the users, it’s important to hand-pick the right ones. Generally, it depends on the business niche and its marketing strategies.
Content marketing through social media, video content, written and published content, mobile webs, etc., are used to deliver the message to the audience. But you must smartly pick your content type according to your business.
For example, a high-quality video of car servicing from your social media page can be a profitable content marketing strategy if you have a car service station. While you can also create SaaS content based on articles and blog posts, your audience is likelier to engage through visual content.
Simply put, a solid content marketing strategy can help any business grow, so it’s just about making smart choices.
The Motivations for a Comprehensive Content Strategy
When creating content for your target audience, there must be a solid motivation behind your content marketing efforts. Regardless of your content type, it requires revenue, time, and effort. Therefore, you must understand the value and motivation for creating content.
So, here are a couple of questions that will help you understand your motivation.
Why are You Creating the Content (Define Goals)
Every content marketing strategy has a specific goal or objective. For instance, you might already be a renowned brand with multiple products in the market. Or, you might be a startup looking to find feet in the industry with your first product launch.
So, your motivation behind creating content will dictate the type and content marketing channels to use for effective marketing. If you don’t know why you’re creating the content, here are some pointers that should help:
- You want to increase brand awareness for your product
- You want to enhance user interest in your company and products
- You want to retain your customers for long-term conversions
- You wish to offer catchy prices and discounts to intrigue new customers.
It doesn’t matter what your motivation might be; it is important to document your marketing strategy.
Do you know that nearly 70% of content marketers have a well-documented marketing strategy? This helps them achieve the content marketing KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and take corrective measures later.
Where to Publish the Content
The type of content dictates where it gets published. Once you have decided the type of your content, it’s a no-brainer where you will post it. For instance, if it’s video content, you should post it on your websites, YouTube, and social media channels.
Likewise, your blog posts and product description articles go on your website, with shareable links to social media pages. The idea is to use the relevant content on each platform to stand a better chance of a conversion.
Main Advantages of Content Marketing
You can’t expect your content to start generating revenue straight away. For instance, creating content for social media pages, websites, and other channels will take some time to see results.
Generally, social media following and web subscribers can take more time to build up. Here, it is critical to be patient and keep producing quality content. Eventually, your website and social channels will start getting the results, and the efforts from your marketing and sales teams will start paying off.
However, you need to invest smartly and patiently if you want to create quality content and reap the benefits of it. Now that we know the value of content marketing for your business, here is a quick understanding of its benefits.
1. Boosting SEO Traffic
When you use tools like keyword research and SEO, you are likely to attract more customers through search engines. Not only can it generate better ROI for your content marketing efforts, but it will also help you to attract organic traffic, contributing to your website ranking.
When you devise killer content, it helps you in the long term. Therefore, search engine optimization is still the most effective way to acquire more traffic to your website.
2. Higher Level of Expertise and Trust
Now, it’s not always about adding the right keywords and optimizing your content to rank higher. Search engines, Google, in particular, is smart enough to identify expert-created content from ordinary ones.
Google has its terminology E-A-T (Expert Authority Trust). This means it prefers and promotes content that comes from experts or connects with them. The sole purpose is to provide quick solutions to users’ queries – and only pros and experts can do that.
So as a content marketer, you must exhibit your skill in your content. How would you do that? How can you make Google identify you as an expert? Here are some ways:
- Link your content to authorized websites
- State more facts
- Use reliable resources for research
Therefore, when Google shows your results to the audience, it’s also telling them that you are a subject matter expert in your area.
3. Brand Awareness
An effective content marketing strategy will always bring more brand awareness to the audience. When your content is comprehensive, not only will you have more paying customers, but it will enhance your reputation in the online market as a trusted and reliable name.
For instance, if you publish educational content surrounding your product niche, you can use subtle marketing for your brand without deviating from the actual topic.
Take an example of a Shopify store. If you sell tech gadgets from a Shopify store, you can talk about the different elements related to tech shopping while focusing on the products available at your store.
So, you’re subconsciously creating a brand image in your reader’s mind without talking about your brand directly.
4. Expand Your Target Audience
Content marketing lets you utilize a variety of platforms like social media, YouTube channels, websites, print media, and more. Therefore, you can reach a wider target audience regardless of your product or services.
In this age, there are numerous ways to interact with customers. You can convey your message through:
- Email marketing,
- Webinars,
- Podcasts,
- Blogposts,
- Infographics, etc.
Therefore, it’s just about using the content strategy intelligently.
If your content strategy appeals to the customer, you will likely attract more business and recurring customers to your store.
5. Enhance Your Social Media Outreach
Many businesses started with a website and later picked up their social media marketing. It means that if you use a decent SaaS content marketing strategy, you can create more shareable content for your business.
For instance, a video promoting your brand and having a social message will likely get ‘viral’ and reach more customers. So, if you can create social-media-friendly content, be prepared to get more traffic from your social media pages.
6. Lead Generations
Effective marketing content through email marketing can help you generate more leads for your business. For instance, if you share online forms to acquire customer information, you can later use the data for marketing your products or services through text and email.
When you have optimized content, it’s more personalized for the users and has more chances of generating leads. While generating new leads for some businesses takes months, an effective SaaS content marketing strategy can do it in much less time.
7. Improve User Engagement
If you have engaged users to your content, you are already in for more sales. If you have an intriguing content marketing strategy for your business, you will get more readers for your blog posts and articles.
Likewise, you can market your product better through helpful video content. Simply put, when you have a proper marketing plan, your content will be more customer-oriented, which should uplift user engagement.
Content Marketing Tips for SaaS
How can content promote your SaaS product? Here are some effective general tips covering all business types and SaaS content marketing. So, let’s get started.
#1 – Create a Content Plan
Every content strategy must start with a comprehensive plan. If you want to excel and attract more customers to your marketing funnel, investing more hours of marketing research and analysis is essential.
It will help you build a robust plan for your existing and potential customers. Generally, most people think of content marketing as blogging. While it’s not entirely wrong, it’s better to place a content distribution strategy to make the most of all your marketing channels.
So, consider things like video content, blog posts, ads, email marketing, etc., to build an overall marketing strategy for your business.
When you have a plan, it is easier to execute and analyze performance in the long run.
#2 – Stick to a Content Calendar
A content marketing calendar helps in keeping track of your performance. Moreover, it allows you to churn out content sequentially and is quite helpful for marketing campaigns.
Especially when you have a large team for marketing, a calendar keeps everyone in sync. So it’s an excellent way to define goals and timelines for your team.
Moreover, strategically using the calendar can yield better sales and lead generation results. Furthermore, a calendar is an effective tool for marketing automation because everything is pre-planned.
#3 – Create Relevant Content for Search Engines
This one is more for writers and bloggers. When you’re creating content, there should be two major motivations for your content:
- Is it appealing to the readers?
- How does it rank on the search engine?
It may sound surprising, but you must have a presence on search engine result pages (SERPs).
Your content MUST relate to what search engines are looking for. On top of technical on-page aspects – target Keywords and backlinks – that have their significance, the quality of the content is the key to optimization. The search engine will only pick your post if it answers the user’s query.
Therefore, your content needs to address what people are interested in reading or finding out. In essence, it’s a mix of both. While optimising for SEO, you must also consider what people search for on these platforms.
If you have search engine-friendly content, your page will rank higher in organic search and bring more traffic to your website.
#4 – Analyze Your Competitors
Not only for SaaS businesses, but every firm should keep an eye on their competitors. Let’s find out why.
There will always be some websites that might be doing better than you. So, what can you do to keep your paying customer honest with your brand if you have a stable brand? Firstly, it’s critical to analyze your competitors.
It starts with a keyword analysis. Your primary keyword should rank highest at all times. Compare your competitor’s pages to yours and determine why they rank better.
Moreover, when designing posts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., find out what appeals most to your target audience. Immediately after that, you must analyze how your competitors address the same issue.
Here it’s vital to observe parameters like:
- Content length
- Type
- Size
- Duration
- Format
- Quality, etc.
Then, you can develop content that is better than your competitors. On the other hand, if you fail to build better content, there is no chance it will rank higher on Google and other search engines.
#5 – Include Link Triggers in Your Content
According to the Gurus of the content marketing industry – and what trends show, Google considers links one of the most significant ranking factors. The right content helps readers create links to your website, which adds to your ranking.
Besides the quality of the content, SaaS marketers can quicken up link building by incorporating link triggers to posts. Link triggers will serve you in two ways:
- An easier way to reach out
- Attracts more links/audience naturally
In this regard, Ahref’s Keyword Planner will give you in-depth information about:
- The type of content and its focus keywords
- Number of backlinks and reasons behind them
#6 – Link your Content with Social Media
Nobody knows you and will show interest in your website initially. So, don’t expect that you’ll start getting leads and conversions as soon as your website goes live. Just like that, don’t expect people to come running for your content as soon as you publish it. A proactive approach can help.
After publishing the content, think about ways to promote it so that more and more people can see it – and some of them will convert. In this context, social media channels can give wings to your content. Make sure to promote your content on multiple channels, like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and the likes.
You can use tools like Buffer App to post simultaneously on multiple channels. It also helps schedule the posts and publish them at the right time.
You have other ways besides social media posts, such as email marketing and RSS.
#7 – Topic Relevancy is Critical
By relevancy, it’s evident that the content will target your audience – those interested in your products and services. This means you need to choose topics related to your niche. At the same time, figure out how you can connect to or build relevance with the latest trends.
It would be harder for SaaS companies to sell their software on Black Friday than on a retail shop selling wearables or appliances. On the other hand, we’ve seen spikes in Software sales on Cyber Monday.
So, choose your topics wisely – or use your creativity to relate to your topic’s latest fashion and trend.
#8 – Focus on Omnichannel Marketing
Omnichannel marketing gives you a powerful presence on the internet. You can market your products effortlessly across these platforms via a single content marketing strategy: your website, mobile app, social media pages, or YouTube channels.
Even though there will be different aspects, Omnichannel marketing gets you right up to your customer. If used effectively, omnichannel marketing will give you insights like
- Customer preferences and shopping habits
- The relevant tech tools to target your customers more effectively
- Predict what your customer will need in the future
You can create more personalized content for your customers with your hands-on insights.
#9 – Catchy Titles Always Attract
Your content cannot attract the audience without a killer title, whether it’s your website’s landing page, product information, news, blog post, or social media posts.
The title should be simple enough that search algorithms can determine its relevance with the search term. At the same time, it should be easily understood by social media channels.
Catchy titles garner more attention and clicks from the audience. They can give more organic traffic, hence chances to convert leads into customers.
#10 – Shareable Content Will Lead you to Places
An important aspect of a robust content marketing strategy is understanding what customers follow on social platforms. It gives you an idea about the type of content they prefer.
For instance, fashion lovers might want to see more images than written content, so your online clothing store must feature more images and videos.
Since you are creating shareable content, here are some popular types of posts include:
- ‘How to’ articles
- Top 10 lists
- Most popular tricks to
- Best tips to
Moreover, your visual content needs to be shareable too. For instance, if you are an online seller, you want the audience to share your photos. So, add shareable and potentially ‘viral’ images in your posts to enhance sharability.
#11 – Optimize for Passive Link Acquisition
It’s a tedious job to acquire manual outreach for your content. So, if you want your content to circulate the internet passively, adding elements that make it naturally shareable is best.
For instance, people use statistics and facts more frequently in their online research. So, when you mention more facts and stats in your posts and videos, it automatically becomes an excellent shareable option for the users.
While sharing facts and stats, you can add your brand details and marketing gimmicks to reach more customers.
#12 – Design Content for Passive Mobile Marketing
Passive mobile marketing means creating content that touches the users’ hearts. With more accessible access to mobile phones, your marketing content must cater to the customer’s emotional needs.
So, create interactive and sensual content with community-oriented slogans. It’s an essential part of passive mobile marketing and pays off in the long run.
Here is how you can make your content more appealing:
- Add a personal touch to your content
- It must address immediate issues
- Build around a social or societal problem
With mobile webs on the rise, your mobile content becomes easier to access and use, so it’s best to take advantage of it now.
#13 – Content Formatting Creates More Appeal
Reading long and tedious content is not everyone’s cup of tea, especially in this age of mobile marketing. Readers like to skim through the articles and read their desired content without spending too much time reading the entire thing.
That’s why Google and other search engines link you directly to your searched keywords. Therefore, formatting your content is essential, making it easier to read.
So, add more subheadings and talk to the customer instead of sounding too academic.
Likewise, when creating videos for YouTube channels, you can optimize them to target your audience by hitting the pain points users would like to search for.
#14 – Consistently Publish New Content
When you churn out new content consistently, there is always something new for your followers and customers. Publishing fresh content keeps your customers interested, and you will likely attract more prospective customers.
Moreover, your up-to-date content builds your credibility, especially when you are a SaaS marketing company.
Remember we talked about a content calendar? It should help you publish new and fresh material, enticing more customers into your content marketing funnel.
While there are many advantages of publishing new content, here are the most important ones.
- It increases your visits via search engine results
- It can boost visits from social media platforms.
- Your customers will be satisfied with up-to-date content.
In short, you can build a brand identity and brand loyalty in your customers by producing new material more frequently.
#15 – Align Content According to User Intent
In the times of keyword search tools and Google Analytics, it’s no longer a problem to understand what the user wants. So, you will get the best results for your sales to funnel by producing content that the users want to see.
For instance, users will be more interested in Black Friday sales in November, so your content must hit the pain points, prompting the customer to view your posts and visit your websites.
Use research strategies to align your content with the user intent. So, writing a well-researched blog post for your website will likely attract more traffic.
#16 – Don’t Forget to Update Existing Content
While creating fresh content is essential, updating your existing content is critical. It may not directly contribute to driving traffic to your website, but it builds your brand identity as an up-to-date company.
Generally, content like tutorials and how-to articles don’t become outdated too soon. However, there is always something to add to your existing content to make it more enticing for the readers.
#17 – Blogger Outreach Can be Helpful
Blogger outreach lets you reach a larger audience that is accessible by other well-known bloggers. The idea is to put your content in front of other professionals and convince them about your products and services.
The best way to reach these bloggers is to use personalized emails. Generally, blogger outreach can be a valuable tool to nurture leads and enhance your customer base.
More importantly, other than getting more prospective customers, you will also receive interesting insights from such professionals that can give you more content ideas.
Now, blogger outreach is not spam. It’s not permission to scrape the emails of everyone in your industry and reach out to them begging for a link.
So, write a short, to-the-point email explaining your products to the bloggers. Make sure to add something personalized for the reader because it gives you more chances of them endorsing your proposal.
#18 – Word Count Doesn’t Always Matter
Search engines like Google are smart enough to tackle word count tricks. Interestingly, word count isn’t always key to your search engine ranking.
It’s a myth that long articles will generate more web traffic. Some studies suggest that posts over 2000 words long have a negative correlation with organic website traffic.
Your content creation team must not obsess over the word count. Instead, it’s more about producing quality using blog posts, social media posts, or any email marketing tool.
#19 – Video Content Marketing
Video content marketing is an evergreen form of marketing, allowing you to target customers from every niche. Generally, video content is more generic, so you don’t need to worry too much about customer maturity and intellectual capabilities.
Moreover, it’s easier to access and more engaging than a blog post. But, when you’re creating videos for marketing, here are a few things to consider:
- Focus on tutorial content, how-to’s, etc.
- Think beyond advertising just to pay for your content
- Target building a brand identity through video marketing.
#20 – Categorize your content with Content Portfolio
With consistent content marketing, you will have a lot of material to work with after some time. That’s the time to start distributing valuable content into categories and organizing them into different niches.
This allows you to create a content portfolio to separate different content types based on keyword ideas, tags, and descriptions.
A portfolio makes it easier to search and reuse your content later. Moreover, diversified content gives you more chances to achieve your marketing goals.
So, what categories should you break your content into? Here’s a list:
- SEO content
- Sales enablement
- Link baits
- Thought leadership content
How to measure SaaS content marketing?
The metrics used to measure SaaS content are:
– How many signed up for your content marketing strategy?
– Commitment to your current clients.
– The retention rate of your clients.
– How many clients return back to you?
How does content marketing benefit SaaS companies?
A few important reasons why content marketing benefits SaaS companies are that you can create content pillars which can explain your business without divulging your trade secrets. Most importantly, content engages your clients and helps you increase your conversions.
What are SaaS marketing channels?
SaaS marketing channels are owned media, paid media and earned media channels. Owned media channels are the business’ websites, blogs, and social media accounts. Paid media channels are online advertising forms on search engines and banner ads, such as ads. Earned media channels are the organic traffic you gain from your audience when they post about your products or services.
How do you write SaaS content?
SaaS content must provide valuable information to your target audience. It must explain the SaaS product and contain explanation guides or videos to teach the audience how to use the product. Free downloads and trials can be included in the SaaS content.
How is SaaS marketing different?
SaaS content marketing heavily relies on the developers and marketers of the product. Unlike traditional marketers, it would be better if SaaS marketers had a hands-on session with the product.
If you’re a marketing manager for a SaaS business, you will always need out-of-the-box solutions to increase your sales funnel and generate more leads for your business.
Therefore, an effective SaaS content marketing strategy is inevitable if you want to achieve your sales targets and build a better reputation as a brand. So, these tips for content marketing should help you design better-optimized content that appeals more to new and prospective customers. Check out our recent blogs for more tips and updates on content marketing,